Exiting your business – the biggest fear of all business owners? Why don’t most businesses have a defined exit or succession plan? For many business owners […]
Most business owners are not aware that there are many options available to them in achieving a successful exit from your business. There are in fact […]
When making the important decision to sell your business, having the right business broker on your team is an important part of the process. Although there […]
If you are considering the future sale of your business, consulting a business broker should be on your radar. Although there are some owners that attempt […]
Any business owner can tell you that hiring the ‘right fit’ saves valuable resources down the line. Not only does the onboarding process cost time, something […]
This week we’ve decided to do something a little bit different by offering some insight into the team at Ascend Business Partners. Meet Greg Johnson, Principal […]
Business performance management. Does the term sound familiar? It should be a regular phrase in your vocabulary, but many business owners only recognise poor financial management […]